Androp “Memento Mori with Aimer” (中日翻譯)

It seems that there are no Chinese-Japanese translation of Androp’s Menento Mori with Aimer on internet. So I make the translation for my own reference.
Please notice that It's Ok if you would like to share this translation with others, but please cite back to this article if you would like to do so.
網上好像沒有Androp的這道Menento Mori (中譯即「勿忘你終需一死」)with Aimer,所以我就做了這個翻譯供自娛之用。
Album: “Cocoon”
Writer: Androp
Singer: Androp, Aimer


Memento Mori with Aimer.

日文原詞來源: utaten
中文翻譯: Helena
Aimer歌詞部分 (Androp歌詞部分粗框)